Sometimes it is Necessary to Rebuild.

Like me, this site was down for a long time.

Oh, the stories I have to tell...

There is a lot of stuff on the way. For now, all I have to offer is the Joy of Jamming. So, if you (or anybody you know) would like to Learn How to Play Guitar, click the button below! It's FREE!

About the Joy of Jamming.

Every lesson features Three Sections:

1 - LEARN - I teach you something new.
2 - PLAY - Play along with me to practice what you learned.
3 - JAM! - Put your new skills to use in real playing situations.

I really believe that these are the Best Beginner Guitar Lessons.

Before the previous site and I crashed...

...there was a lot going on. The GRAMMY thing was AWESOME! Being considered for the 4 GRAMMYS remains a highlight for me. We all felt there was something special about my album - and that we had "lightening in a bottle." (I like that phrase). Alas, there were no nominations to be had for me. Taylor Swift's album completely obliterated any of my chances that year - she made a great record! I still think that "The More I Learn" is one of my best songs.

Recently I noticed (on my latest ASCAP report) that three out of my top-five-played songs are from my first album "Sun Debut." The following three songs placed in the Top Five:

  • Pouring Rain
  • Home To You
  • Miss Lonely

I released that album 30 years ago - and few listened.... Now, some of the songs from that album are out-performing most of my other songs and becoming relatively popular! ha. I really don't understand anything at all. Either way....Thanks to those of you who are still discovering and listening.

There is a lot coming your way: new music, new projects, new features.

Lastly - Remember: If you want guitar lessons, the Joy of Jamming is the place to be. So, if you (or anybody you know) would like to learn how to play guitar, click the button below. Feel free to share the site with all your friends and family. Thanks!

Start Now - Beginner Guitar Lessons
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